The plant in Wilson is specialized in the formulation, syringe filling, and packaging of aseptic and terminally sterilized drug products and diluents with the advantage of being able to offer large-scale quantities and flexibility in the syringe portfolio and sizes. PFS drug products and diluents are produced on fully automated manufacturing, inspection, and packaging lines in a continuous process under controlled conditions. This highly automated and state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, half of which is dedicated to prefilled syringe production, has a unique capability and capacity to launch hundreds of millions of new and existing commercial PFS drug products including biologics, highly active compounds and products (maximum OEL = 0.1 µg/m3), and products that are sensitive to temperature, light, and/or oxygen.
Highly active compounds and products and biologics are able to be formulated and filled using new disposable single-use system technologies with completely disposable and/or dedicated product contact parts for reduced exposure levels. Products sensitive to oxygen can undergo nitrogen-filling technologies with light-protected palletization to achieve maximum shelf life and market value.