Qui Nhon, Vietnam

The manufacturing site in Qui Nhon, Vietnam was opened in 2011 and is located in the Binh Dinh Province in the heart of Vietnam. The facility has several production lines for ampoules, polypropylene (PP) containers and glass bottles. The products being manufactured here include large volume parenteral products (LVP) in polypropylene and glass bottles, and small volume parenteral products (SVP) in glass ampoules. The facility is certified to be compliant with the Vietnamese Ministry of Health, with GLP for the laboratories and GSP for the warehouse activities.

Products from this manufacturing site are supplied to the domestic market and exported to regional markets such as Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia.

Wilson, North Carolina, USA world-class production and distribution site


The quality of products is ensured by complying with current GMP. The quality management system is applied to the ISO 9001 standard.

During manufacturing, in-process controls (IPC) control all production stages from the analysis of starting materials to the packaging materials and finished products. All products are stored in the warehouse according to GSP standards, in both ambient and temperature-controlled areas. Apart from the inspection of products by the Quality Control Department according to GLP standards, it is also part of stability studies as required by the ICH (International Committee on Harmonization). The registration dossiers meet the general technical standards of all ASEAN counties (The ASEAN Common Technical Dossier – ACTD). Our customers benefit especially from the high level of automation in production, the level of experience integrated into the processes, and our advanced production technologies. We maintain a quality management system to ensure high quality products, complying with national and international requirements and satisfying the expectations of our customers.



  • Terminal Sterilization



  • Large Volume Parenteral
  • Small Volume Parenteral



  • ISO 9001



  • Local and Regional